About Us
Friends of Euclid Creek is an all-volunteer watershed stewardship organization dedicated to ensuring the health of the Euclid Creek watershed in northeast Ohio. Our mission is to advocate for the health of the Euclid Creek watershed, its surrounding communities, and the creatures that depend upon it. We strive to preserve and improve endangered and degraded areas that affect the quality of life in the watershed. We work to educate the public about environmental conditions and concerns within the watershed. We encourage cooperation among all Euclid Creek stakeholders for the benefit of the watershed and everyone who lives in it today, and tomorrow.

In 2001 and before, there were serious flooding issues in South Euclid caused by stormwater runoff from other cities. The effort to solve this problem involved several local agencies. Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer district was investigating regional drainage problems. Cuyahoga Soil & Water Conservation District was developing a plan to help cities meet the Clean Water Act mandate requiring all cities to manage their own stormwater. Amidst all this activity a small group concerned that the city planning along Cedar Road would affect the whole northeastern part of the watershed formed Friends of Euclid Creek. These volunteers, in partnership with other environmental groups, grew into an organization fully focused on addressing the issues facing the watershed through public education. In 2003, FOEC became a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
Over these many years, FOEC has held monthly educational meetings and programs, presented at community events, and led hikes throughout the watershed. FOEC volunteers have worked in the watershed pulling invasives, planting native trees and plants, and performing other tasks in support of our environmental partners. In addition, Friends of Euclid Creek has received many grants from various sources to support our educational projects and larger projects by other organizations.