Educational Materials
Friends of Euclid Creek Action Steps Brochure
Brief Guide to Dusty Goldenrod Preserve
Field Guide to Invasive Plants of Euclid Creek Watershed
Dr. Sherrie Mason, "Perils of Plastics" presentation, November. 2018
How We Built a Native Plant Garden
More Information about Native Plants
John Barber, "Conquering Invasive Plants" presentation, January 19, 2021
Stephen Love, "Environmental Initiatives of Cleveland Foundation" presentation, February 2, 2021
Suneeti Jog, Ph.D, "Assessing the Health of Wetlands" July 21, 2021
Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District
Chris Winslow, Ph.D, "Lake Erie Algae, Research Efforts, Nutrient Loading, and Decision Making"
Bill Hughes, "The Cuyahoga River Area of Concern: What Does Euclid Creek Have to do with it?”
Deer Ticks and Lyme Disease Informational Brochure
Poison Ivy and Dermatitis Brochure
Dave Tomashefski, "Attracting Beneficial Insects to Vegetable Gardens Using Native Plants"